Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Review on Garcinia Cambogia

Basic information on GARCINIA CAMBOGIA, this fruit grown in the south of India. Here peoples of south are there used this fruits as flavor added to sea food. The ingredient which is work as weight loss called HYDROXYCITRIC ACID (HCA).It work by blocking the fat production and suppresses the food eating habits. HCA prevent the function of citrate lyase, which is needed to convert the fat from carbohydrates. By alleviating the levels of serotonin to reduce the eating nature cause weight loss. Depression is caused by low serotonin.

Peoples review that GARCINIA CAMBOGIA is Miracle result for weight loss by decreasing appetite and control habitual eating .Hence Garcinia is responsible for improving overall health, GCE GARCINIA CAMBOGIA) is lower down the cholesterol level and level of triglycerides 10-30%.

Review on weight loss product like GARCINIA CAMBOGIA Extract another name of this fruits called by the peoples in India are ‘Kudampuli’ or ‘Malabar Tarmind’. South Indians mainly used as sour flavor added to its sea food. Peoples of this region are not aware this tropical fruits called GARCINIA CAMBOGIA is widely used as weight loss supplement all over world.

Kudampuli one more name is Gambooge is a needful ingredients in all type of sea food. Accordingly to the Ayurveda Kudampuli (Garcinia Cambogia) helps to promotes good digestion. It also used for Arthritis and ulcer.

A successful Garcinia Cambogia Reviews by Indian customer

During research of success on Garcinia Cambogia I saw a product in website which claim burn excess fat and lose weight with its product .It has no negative effect. It give also money back guarantee within 30day Scheme .This product also certified through GMP.GCE has 100% safe and ingredients used in this product are herbal called Garcinia Cambogia. Product seller said it works by targeting the 4 main areas where fat stored.

Improver digestion by increasing metabolic rates. Product seller shows the result by using different customer.

•    Ms. MALA lose weight by 15 kg
•    Deepak M. lose his weight by 13 Kg
•    Richa and Simran also lose their weight by 17 and 22 Kg.

How to buy online GARCINIA CAMBOGIA

Many companies product available in internet. I review some Garcinia Cambogia product and I mention their detail below.

•    Healthy  Care with 60% HCA GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 1000 made by Australian owned brand
•    Each Capsules filled with GCE GARCINIA CAMBOGIA EXTRACT) 500mg

Ingredient Information

Contains                 per Capsule        per 100gm
Protein                    6 mg                    650mg
Total Fat                 0mg                     0 g
Carbohydrates      20 mg                  2.3 g
Sodium                   0 mg                    0 g
Energy                    3 kJ                      330 KJ

60 capsules price $12.99

Optislim Plus GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 60 Tablets

This is available in tablet form so the perfect for taking supplement. It claims to burn fat and reduce appetite by increasing serotonin levels.

Ingredients in Optislim Tablet

•    Coconut extract
•    Raspberry Ketones
•    Green Coffee beans

These four ingredient specific formula design to burn excess fat.

60 tablets GARCINIA CAMBOGIA Optislim Plus price $24.99

This Garcinia Cambogia extract attain from tropical fruit. Result is different from person to person.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Garcinia Cambogia Reviews

I reviewing after dozens of supplement in stores i saw Garcinia Cambogia product is on the top position for weight loss.

Firstly we know about this Herb.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia cambogia is a herb, also known as garcinia gummi-gutta. The fruit of the herb looks like a green pumpkin, small and is used in many traditional Asian dishes for its sour flavor.

A natural substance HCA found in the skin of this fruit called Hydroxycitric Acid.This is the main active Ingredients of garcinia Combogia is HCA (hydroxy citric acid) It is responsible for weight loss by reducing appetite and inhibit fat synthesis, inhibit weight gain without stimulates the CNS (central nervous system).HCA convert protein into muscle, sugar into energy,supress appetite. Burn fat faster by increasing metabolism.

The main question rise that does it really work?

I focused different research studies on garcinia cambogia both humans and animals.
Some studies shows inhibits fat producing enzymes in rats  called Citrate lyase. It makes more difficult to produce fat for the body into carbohydrates.

Second studies show in rat increased the level of neurotransmitter serotonin. This leads to reduced appetite.

There are numbers of studies shows that Garcinia Cambogia works to significant weight loss.
However, this is not compulsory that garcinia cambogia work in rats and doesn’t in humans.
Some studies shown on Garcinia Cambogia in human.
I found different human studies on Garcinia cambogia.
The biggest studies on 135 obese people , which were divided into two groups.
•    Group A: Garcinia cambogia extract 1 gm taken 3 times in a day advice before half an hour.
•    Group B: This group taken dummy pills.

Group A and B both  taken high fibre and low calorie diet.

After 12 weeks study published in the journal of AMA (American Medical Association), this journal is published by the highly reputed scientific.

Group A and B both lost weight.

Using Garcinia Cambogia group A losses less weight than group B (Placebo).

This result not that Garcinia Cambogia does not work.

Another question rise that Garcinia Cambogia is safe or not?

Garcinia Combogia has not serious side effect but taken limited dose as per advice. It may lower glucose level in blood. Side effect is not known in pregnant women and breastfeed women.
Finally say that it is safe with high quality Cambogia diet product available in the market.

How does it work?

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) found from the Garcinia Cambogia is a most popular supplement for weight management over world.

It promotes oxidation of fat, inhibit adenosine triphosphate (ATP-citrate lyase)  , and decrease the level of leptin.

Key Benefits for Weight loss by Garcinia Cambogia
  •    It Control appetite
  •    It Inhibit production of fat
  •    It Support weight management
  •    It Boost metabolism
  •    Slow down the body fat accumulation
  •    Do and Doesn’t
  •    Don’t take alcohol and sugar
  •    Do not use dairy food products
  •    Do not use refine flour
Where Garcinia Cambogia is found in nature?

Garcinia Cambogia grow across southest and southern part of india, some part of Myanmar and in Indonesia. In india Vrikshamla is another name of garcinia cambogia.
Finally if someone want to lose weight fast, Garcinia Cambogia product is best and it is used by the world for weight loss and results are positive.